Friday, January 21, 2011 coupons

For anyone living in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, don't miss out on the opportunity to try amazing organic grocery delivery in your area!
You can use coupon code CRVAN-LOVDAN when you sign up at for $25 off over your first 4 deliveries.

In my family, we love using our amazing Breville BJE200XL 700-Watt Compact Juice Fountain to make quick work of our delivery for the week. Our favourite combination is kale, apple, ginger and lemon. Another favourite is carrot, ginger and apple.

And we've recently fallen in love with Vega products for breakfast. You can get them delivered to your door from many locations, but we also love the ease and low cost of vega products as well. Vega Sport Vanilla is currently taking up half our counter.

Stay healthy and enjoy your day!

Disclosure - some links in this post are Amazon Affiliate links.